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Tea For Healthy Hair

The majority of us spend countless time and money, making sure the tops of our heads look good. From fancy shampoos, to silky conditioner, to expensive gels, its easy to loose track of what we’re actually exposing our hair to. Before spending your hard earned money on chemicals to rub in your hair, try going with a cheaper, all-natural solution. Tea. It’s more than just a beverage. Tea can be used as natural hair product that promotes hair growth and helps to prevent hair loss. Furthermore, tea is known to darken hair and serves as an all-natural hair dye.
Green Tea for Hair Growth

Drinking green tea is the easiest way to maintain healthy hair. In green tea, it contains catechins that increase blood flow to the scalp and helps to stimulate hair growth. It also prevents other hair problems, such as dandruff and scalp irritations. Green tea also contains vitamin C and E that help to restore damaged hair from chemicals and UV radiation.
Black Tea for Hair Dye

Similar to green tea, black tea also promotes hair growth. However, black tea can have additional effects when used externally. Black tea is a great all-natural solution for dying your hair… if you want it darker. Just brew about 3 tea bags of black tea and let it cool. Then, soak your hair in the brewed black tea. Voila! Your your done darkening your hair.
Tea for Hair Strength

Instead of using a protective chemical coat for your hair, tea helps the blood circulation in the scalp, which helps strengthens your hair. Nettle and rosemary teas are also great for improving hair strength and stimulating hair growth.
Add tea to your healthy routine for healthy hair!
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