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Superfoods to Include in Your Diet ( Part 2)

Last week I started my series on superfoods, with this article here. As I said in my previous article, superfoods are by definition calorie sparse and nutrient dense, full of antioxidants and essential nutrients, nutrients that our bodies need but cannot make for ourselves. In our quest for leading healthier lives, we find help in these superfoods. With a bit of research we can learn which foods to include in our diets. After that, it’s only a matter of time until we can experience the benefits of our dietary change. Today I’ll be covering green superfoods, which are delicious and super healthy.

5 Green Superfoods

#1. Wheat Grass

Wheat grass is basically the sprout of a wheat seed. Unlike the grain itself, wheat grass doesn’t not contain gluten but is very alkalizing. It’s recommended for healthy blood, better digestive system, normalizing the tyroid gland and is also known for promoting weight loss, as it has a cleansing effect.

#2. Barley Grass

Barley itself is one of nature’s superfoods, but barley grass is even healthier. It has 11 times morecalcium than cow’s milk, 5 times more iron than spinach and 7 times more Vitamin C than oranges.  It also has a significant amount of vitamin B12 and is helpful for neutralizing heavy metals in the blood and has an anti-viral effect.

#3. Chlorella

Chlorella is a fresh water algae and it’s packed full with all the vitamins B, vitamin C and E and also minerals. It’s of incredibile help for the immune system, for reducing cholesterol and for preventingheart attacks and strokes.

#4. Spirulina

A cultivated micro-algae, spirulina is one of the most impressive of superfoods, as it has one of the highest known sources of protein, containing 70%  complete protein.  A cooked steak only has about 25 % protein.  It can be used for weight loss, it controls blood sugar levels- making it useful for diabetics and it also works as a general nutritional supplement.

#5.  Wild Blue-Green Algae

It contains virtually every nutrient: 60% protein,  beta caroten, chlorophyll, vitamins B. It helps by improving brain function and memory, strenghtening the immune system and helps with fighting viruses.
Have you eaten any of these superfoods? Stay tuned, as the series on superfoods continues!
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