For thousands of years humans have looked to the earth to cure their ailments. In modern day, majority of us look for our doctor to prescribe something (sometimes with worse side effects than the ailment itself). As the world of pharmaceutical drugs grow, it seems more and more of us are looking to more of the natural/traditional ways of curing our ills.
From modern day Medicine Men to ancient Chinese traditions, more and more research is being done every day to understanding these primitive secrets. Modern-day breakthroughs have shed light on the healing powers of various herbs and ancient practices that otherwise sound crazy to the average person (for instance, acupuncture is being used by the US military to cure injuries acquired on the battlefield). Natural remedies are beginning to hold credibility in the eyes of practicing physicians, and people are beginning to seek out these natural remedies to replace modern medicine. From ancient Chinese traditions to natural Native American cures, it seems there is a common thread to the success of these medicinal arts. This key thread is treating the mind, body and soul as one. Like a machine, our various body parts work in unison towards one goal (surviving). When a part of that machine is acting up, or shutting down, it does not necessarily mean that it is the problem area. Many times we find that abstract forces, like stress, can cause tangible ailments such as baldness, weight gain or even cancer. These ancient tribes and civilizations were able to tune in to their bodies, thus understanding the measures needed to be taken in order to cure themselves. The art of listening to your body is a gift that one should always strive to understand. Once you’re truly able to understand what you, your body, your mind and your soul want, you’ll know what your life needs every step of the way.
Above all else, medicine, doctors, articles and so on, become accustom to listening to yourself and understanding what you need. Acquiring an understanding of one’s self is an invaluable trait, that cannot be measured against any sort of modern day medicine or treatments.