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Homemade Cosmetics: Beauty at Home

As time passes, more and more problems arise when dealing with cosmetics. Preservatives, parabensand other substances pose safety questions. Labels must be checked with care and several chemicals must be avoided at all costs. Among these chemicals we can name: petrochemicals, sodium laureth, propylene glycol, formaldehyde, synthetic dyes and artificial fragrances. In order to make sure they are not endangering their health, more and more ladies choose natural or homemade cosmetics as opposed to the classic ones.

However, even though certain cosmetics are labeled as natural, you have no guarantee that you won’t find the above mentioned substances in them. There isn’t a clear definition for natural cosmetics. You must always make sure to check the label. If you want to be sure of what you find in your products, you can choose certain homemade cosmetics as an alternative.

Deodorants are the most dangerous cosmetics. Certain studies have shown there is a link between them and higher risk rates of breast cancer. Antiperspirants are also a danger to your health, because they seal perspiration in your skin. If you wish to avoid the risk they pose to your health, you can mix baking soda with coconut oil and use it as a lotion. Baking soda is also a great way to whiten your teeth. Use it instead of toothpaste and you will have a healthy substitute to toothpaste. These homemade cosmetics will be just as effective, but won’t endanger your health. You can also keep an eye open for natural alternatives for deodorants, but make sure they do not contain aluminum.
Next to deodorants, hair sprays are another danger to your health. The chemicals they contain are spread in the air and later make their way into your lungs. Instead of using hair spray, mix the juice of a lemon with a couple of cups of water and pour it in a spray bottle. Use it as a hair spray and make sure to keep it in the fridge.
When buying eye shadow you should be very careful, because you will use it near the eyes, on very sensitive skin. Instead of modern cosmetics, why not use a homemade solution? Cocoa powder is brown, Spirulina is green and arrowroot has a light shade. Mix these three in different quantities in order to obtain different shades of eye shadow. Moreover, you can use cocoa powder as a natural bronzer or even a blush.
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