We’ve seen a handful of unique analog digital clocks, but the Plotclock has to be the most unusual of the bunch. It’s also a metaphor for a dozen sad things. Made by Thingiverse member joo, Plotclock writes the time by hand, then erases what it just wrote so it can write again.
Joo used an Arduino Uno, three servos and 3D printed components to make the clock. Though I strongly suspect that he also added a liter of sighs, a patch of wrinkled skin and some shredded tax forms to the device.
This clock knows life’s a waste of time. Check out joo’s page on Thingiverse for more on the futility of it all.
Joo used an Arduino Uno, three servos and 3D printed components to make the clock. Though I strongly suspect that he also added a liter of sighs, a patch of wrinkled skin and some shredded tax forms to the device.
This clock knows life’s a waste of time. Check out joo’s page on Thingiverse for more on the futility of it all.